Utah Democrats Condemn Intimidation of Election Workers

September 20, 2024, Salt Lake City - Today, Utah Democratic Party Chair Diane Lewis released the following statement in response to the FBI’s interception of a threatening letter and white powder intended for the Utah Lieutenant Governor’s Office, which oversees elections in the state of Utah:

“I wholeheartedly condemn this attempt to intimidate Utah’s Election Workers. The professionals who handle our votes are integral to the democratic process, and threats made against election workers undermine the foundations of our democracy. I am grateful that those at the Lieutenant Governor’s Office are safe, and that United States Postal Workers and the FBI were able to address the situation.

The culture of political intimidation, stoked by Donald Trump and his cronies, must end. Election-denying conspiracy theories put us all at risk, and I call on people of all political affiliations to condemn those who spread them.”


For more information, contact Mason Hughes at press@utdem.org or +1 (801) 830-0645.

The Utah Democratic Party is the face and voice of Democrats in the State of Utah. We believe that Utahns deserve strong, competent leadership that puts the people and democracy first.


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