Leadership Candidates

Chair Candidates

Archie A Williams III

Brian King

Brian King’s Utah roots run deep, grounded in the resilience, determination, and community values of his pioneer heritage. A seasoned attorney, 16-year state legislator, former House Minority Leader, and 2024 Democratic candidate for Utah Governor, Brian has spent his career fighting for everyday Utahns and championing fairness, justice, and progress. Now, as a candidate for Chair of the Utah Democratic Party, Brian sees a pivotal moment to transform frustrations into momentum. With a shifting political landscape, growing dissatisfaction with the Republican supermajority, and changing demographics, Utah is at a tipping point. Brian is ready to guide Democrats toward a bold, new future through opportunity, action, and progress—for the better.

Jonathan Lopez

Jonathan Lopez is a politically engaged individual with a keen interest in U.S. domestic & foreign policy and global affairs. He's critical of both progressive and conservative extremes, showing a nuanced perspective on political figures and events. He believes in the need for reform in governance and security, as seen in his comments on American leadership and U.S. defense strategies. He works as an IT Technician in the Financial, Defense, and Retail Industries.

Jonathan Lopez has been critiquing economic policies, questioning political figures, and discussing international affairs. He was an early organizer for Utah for Bernie Sanders in 2015, showcasing leadership and giving political direction when there was none. He was a super volunteer for Doug Owens Congressional campaign in 2016, as well as a paid campaign manager for Charles Henderson in his Utah State House campaign in 2016. Jonathan Lopez ran for Congress in 2024, focusing on kitchen table economics, public safety and education, reducing the national debt, and raising taxes on the ultra-wealthy.

Jonathan Lopez believes in the power of democracy and direct action, and he knows that the Utah Democratic Party needs new leadership in these times of change. This is a new world, and those that don't adapt to change will be left behind. In addition to politics, Jonathan Lopez enjoys history, philosophy, music, the guitar, professional wrestling, fine art, weight training, computers, electronics, vintage videogames, Magic: The Gathering, catching Pokémon, Dungeons & Dragons, YouTube, and is a dog dad.

Ben Peck

From working as a UTA bus driver to managing Democratic campaigns, I have first-hand experience of the day-to-day struggles of working families as well as the broader threats to our democratic institutions. That’s why I know that "business as usual" is no longer an option.

As Executive Director of the Salt Lake County Democratic Party, I modernized the Party’s digital presence and led a successful coordinated campaign that protected all our incumbents and elected Suzanne Harrison to the Salt Lake County Council. In 2024, I managed three winning campaigns, including electing Natalie Pinkney, the first Black woman to the Salt Lake County Council, and Sheila Srivastava, who flipped the County Treasurer's office for Democrats. These victories proved that Democrats can win - even in challenging environments.

With a Master's in Public Administration and seven years of experience in campaign management, government service, and community organizing, I bring both fresh energy and proven results to the fight for Utah's future.

At this defining moment in the history of our state and nation, Utahns need leadership that is prepared to build a party infrastructure that can meet these challenges head-on. My vision is for a Democratic Party that works year-round, builds lasting community connections, and fights every day to protect our democratic institutions. We need more than just election-year campaigns – we need a movement that's ready to stand up against extremism and fight for a future where every Utahn has access to affordable healthcare, housing, transportation, and a voice in their government.

Vice Chair Candidates

Angela Charles

My name is Angela Charles. I am the daughter of Haitian immigrants and was born and raised in Broward County, Florida. I became interested in politics in 5th grade when my teacher when my teacher encouraged me to run for class president. My class's presidential race coincided with the 2004 U.S. presidential election, and my parents had me watch those debates to understand  America's political system better. Although I did not win my presidential race, I was forever invested in the political system after running and watching those presidential debates. I left the Sunshine State in 2012, relocated to Salt Lake City, and have called Utah my home ever since.  

Being a Democrat and Black has presented unique challenges throughout my adult life. Black Democrats are a minority within a minority in Utah, so I have taken great pride in being the chair of the Salt Lake County Democratic Black Caucus. The most common issues we face have intersectionality, and I am proud to have advocated for them.

I am running for Vice Chair of the Utah Democratic Party because I am confident that my experiences as the Chair of the Salt Lake County Black Caucus, a Project Organizer with my former Local, Finance Intern for the Michigan House Democratic Caucus, and working as an Organizer for New Mexico's 2nd congressional race, can best serve Utah in building a party that will lay the foundation for the future.

Oscar Mata

In Oscar's three years of state party leadership and his twenty years of supporting Democrats, Oscar learned how important it is for Democrats to have a presence in every county in our state. That’s why he's traveled over 100,000 miles since becoming the Utah Democratic Party Vice-Chair to meet with Democrats in all 29 of Utah’s counties. Democrats live across our state, and our party should be ready and willing to support them. Oscar's got the mileage to know how to elect Democrats in every county - that’s why he's running for re-election as your Vice-Chair.

Susan Merrill

I’m a lifelong educator, a proud union member, and a connector at heart. My career has been dedicated to helping the unseen, championing the underdog, and tackling complex challenges head-on. In my time working with the National Delegation in Chicago and with our local and state party, I have learned the importance of leading with hope. I believe in order for us to be the party that changes the trajectory in which we’re headed, we need to attract people who are disengaged and looking for support. I believe that real change starts with strong connections between communities, leaders, and the grassroots voices that power our party.

I’m not your typical politician, and that’s exactly why I’m running. Our party needs fresh leadership that listens, strategizes, and builds a stronger, more inclusive future. We need to expand the party beyond the Wasatch front as rural voices are the key to turning Utah purple. As Vice Chair, I will work to expand our reach, energize our base, and ensure that every Democrat in Utah has a seat at the table. Let’s move forward – together.

Dr. Tulinda Larsen

Building a Stronger Utah Democratic Party

Transparency: Open communication and clear decision-making.

Bringing Democrats Back: Reengaging unaffiliated voters and Dems registered as Republicans.

Supporting Democratic Candidates: Prioritizing party resources for Democratic candidates.

Growing the Party: Through Empowerment of Identity & Issue Caucuses.

Financial Growth: Expanding fundraising and donor networks.

As a lifelong Democrat, born in New York, raised in a Union family, and canvassing since age nine, I know what it takes for Democrats to win.

From the perspective of a practicing Economist, I’ve led programs to strengthen Utah’s manufacturing economy. As President of Utah Advanced Materials & Manufacturing Initiative I secured $30 million in grants for manufacturing. At Utah Manufacturers eAssociation, I support workforce development and industry growth. I champion women’s empowerment, leading return-to-work programs and inspiring young girls in STEM fields. I serve on the Board of Directors for Girls Scouts of Utah, The Columbus Agency (supporting adults with autism), 47G UAMMI Institute, and the University of Maryland Global Campus Alumni Advisory Board.

I have been recognized as a leader by the 2024 University of Maryland Global Campus Alumni Magazine, Utah Business 2023 30 Women to Watch, 2023 40 Women Over 40, CIO Magazine 2023 10 Most Inspiring Women To Watch, and 2021 -Executive Business Leader Award from University of Maryland.

I am dedicated to equality, justice, and opportunity for all. Through collaboration and strategic planning, we will build a stronger, more transparent Utah Democratic Party. I am ready to lead and serve. Let’s fix this together!

Secretary Candidates

Elizabeth Weight

Thank you, Utah Democrats, for your courageous good sense and compassion, for your blunt comments and purposeful questions, for your dedication to the values of democracy and our great state.

In the last four years, we have seen county Dems across the state organize, engage, and activate. We have built a statewide collaboration to clarify documents and strengthen our governance processes. We have grown awareness of each other and created volunteer teams for campaigns, our UDP booth at the State Fair, and office assistance during the exciting 2024 campaign. And we have sustained each other since November.

I have had the honor and pleasure to be part of that growth and structure-building as your state party secretary, including UDP duties, road trips to train and share ideas with Democrats throughout the state, and raising awareness of Democratic values.

With your vote at the 2025 UDP Convention, I am excited for the opportunity to continue serving! Let’s continue raising up each other and our communities with, borrowing from President Obama, our Utah audacity of hope.

Deidra Ritchhart

 Deidra Ritchhart currently lives in Santa Clara Utah, but will soon be gaining residency in Salt Lake City. She is an active member of the Washington County Democratic Party, and the Women’s Democratic Club of Utah. She ran for office this past election year for the Utah State Senate in District 29. She had over 12,000 votes in her very first election. She loves being a Democrat and fighting for women’s rights, social justice, the LGBTQ, and victims of crime. If she became the secretary of the Utah Democratic Party, she could do even more for people every day. She loves helping others and is currently a Human Resource professional for a staffing agency.

Deidra was born and raised in Missouri and has been a resident of Utah for over 3 years. She graduated from Oklahoma State University in 2021 and was part of the Student Government Association. Her parents own a farm in Missouri, and she has an extensive background in Agriculture & Natural Resources. This is also what connected her to Utah, of course. She will always make Utah State and National Parks a priority. For more information, please visit her website at deidraritchhart.com or her socials @DeidraRitchhart.

Katie Adams-Anderton

My name is Katie L. Adams-Anderton. My time as Chair of the Utah County Democratic Party and Second Vice Chair of the Disability Caucus has made me realize that we need more party leadership with proven experience in how Counties and Caucuses operate.  

These two entities are where we find our party's best volunteers, candidates, and future leaders. My experience can help grow our party and ensure its success in the future. Learn more about my experience, endorsements, and how to contact me by visiting my website today!

Brad Dickter

Twelve years ago, I moved to Utah from California and realized how different I was. I grew up surrounded by like-minded people, but here in Utah, my progressive values made me stand up. Even though many of my neighbors disagreed with me, I couldn’t ignore my desire to empower & include everybody in our state’s government. I volunteered for every Democratic campaign I could find, knocking on hundreds of doors and making thousands of phone calls for local Democratic candidates. In my last five years serving on the Utah Democratic Party Executive Committee in multiple appointed roles, I’ve continued to learn how many passionate, intelligent people volunteer so much of their own selves to the Democratic cause. I want to join in giving my time and expertise to the Utah Democratic Party, so we can make our party open and accessible to everyone.

Accurate meeting minutes are critical to transparency and decision-making. I’m running for Secretary because our party deserves someone who will keep clear and accurate minutes of all meetings. Utah Democrats also need better communication - that’s why I support implementing new procedures to share intra-party communications between the Executive Committee, the Central Committee, and Delegates. As a voting member of the Executive Committee, I will prioritize fundraising, transparency, and community building. By promoting transparency & communication, we’ll bring our party one step closer to turning Utah blue.

Treasurer Candidates

Kathy Long

I live in Cedar City, Utah, and enjoy being able to represent the Party in the southern portion of the State. I have been the treasurer for the last three years and have been treasurer for multiple non-profits. I also work with several non-profits locally, seeking donations and assisting them with budget issues. Because we are a Statewide organization, I think it is beneficial to have elected leaders from all over the state to represent our Party.

Catherine Voutaz

You can trust me to support Democrats. Third-party candidates can’t win, but Democrats can. I’ll make a capable and effective Treasurer for the Utah Democratic Party. My extensive experience in accounting and finance combined with my dedication to the Democratic Party gives me the ability to guide us to future democratic wins.

The Utah Democratic Party has no higher obligation than to support and elect Democrats running for office. Along with organizing and staffing, funds raised need to be dedicated to electing Democrats. We must seek out and encourage quality candidates to run as Democrats for office, support their candidacy, and get them elected. But, we need a strategy, a winning message, and active engagement to win votes.

Experience: 25 years of experience in accounting, budgeting, tax, audit, and business management including Internal Revenue Service, James & Co. Business Advisors & CPAs, Skullcandy, Goal Zero, Fusion-io, Franklin Covey, and Caldera Systems. I own two coffee kiosk business locations that employ 25 people built from the ground up. Education: Weber State University B.S. Accounting, Masters Professional Accountancy graduate studies at University of Nevada, Reno. Party Involvement: Current President, Women’s Democratic Club of Utah. Utah Democratic Party Candidate Recruitment Committee in the last two election cycles. In 2024, I ran for Utah State Auditor.

Born and raised in Bountiful, Utah, I have called Herriman my home since 2002. I live with my husband, Kurt, and we have a blended family including five children and nine grandchildren, all residing in Utah.