Tonight, Utah Democrats Voted for Freedom

August 20, 2024, Chicago - The Second Night of the 2024 Democratic National Convention was about one thing: Freedom. Freedom from poverty, freedom to control your body, and the freedom to pursue the American Dream. The Utah Delegation to the Democratic Convention voted unanimously to endorse Kamala Harris because she embodies those freedoms, and because she will defend them every day.

Meanwhile, MAGA Republicans in the Utah Legislature, like Donald Trump and JD Vance, have a weird obsession with taking away Utahns freedoms. Already, they have passed laws policing bathroom usage. They have tried and failed to restrict Utahns’ right to reproductive freedom. Now they are trying to rewrite the state constitution for their own partisan gain: they do not want Utahns to have the freedom to pass ballot initiatives.

Despite that, Utah Democrats have hope because we are on the ground floor of a statewide change. Tonight, Utah Democratic Party Chair Diane Lewis declared that Utah is “the next battleground state.” As the youngest state in the country and the fastest growing state in the country, Utah is on track to become a swing state within the decade.

“We have an opportunity to shape our future in the next decade. Utahns are sick of the failed policies of the Republican Trifecta in Utah. For too long, one party control has left Utahns without affordable housing, reliable roads, or quality education. Utahns deserve the freedom to elect a truly representative government – but now, the Republican Supermajority is trying to take even that away.

Now is the time for Utahns to get involved in this nationwide movement defending our families, our futures, and our freedoms. Whether you are a Republican, a Democrat, or unaffiliated from any party, all Utahns have a common set of values. We care about our family, we care about our community, and we care about our state. I know that Utahns will join us in electing local candidates that share Kamala Harris’ commitment to freedom: people like Representative Brian King, Caroline Gleich, and Mayor Jenny Wilson.”

Included are Chair Diane Lewis’ remarks from the Nomination Roll Call: “Utah, home of eight tribal nations, the crossroads of the west, the Beehive State, the host of the 2034 Winter Olympics, the youngest and fastest-growing state in the nation, and the next battleground state, proudly casts its 34 votes for Vice-President Kamala Harris!”


For more information, contact Mason Hughes at or +1 (801) 830-0645.

The Utah Democratic Party is the face and voice of Democrats in the State of Utah. We believe that Utahns deserve strong, competent leadership that puts the people and democracy first.


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